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Battalion Wars Randomizer

General information

The Battalion Wars Randomizer is a python script which modifies the "_Level.xml" files of Battalion Wars to randomize placement of units, cameras, and waypoints.

How to use the Battalion Wars Randomizer

What you'll need:

The steps are as follow:

  1. Download the following txt file: bw_xml_randomizer.txt.
  2. rename the extension from ".txt" to ".py".
  3. Put it in a folder somewhere.
  4. Put all the original xml files in the folder where the .py file is located.
  5. Double-click the .py file. The script will only modify the xml files ending with "_Level.xml".
  6. A new folder named "randomized" will be created by the script.
  7. Using GameCubeRebuilder, open the .iso of Battalion Wars.
  8. Reimport all the xml files located in the "randomized" folder, over the pre-existing xml files.
  9. Play using Dolphin.

NOTE: Some missions might be lost/win automatically due to random unit placement.