Pamavel Command is using the Panzer Corps 2 scenario editor to create maps and scenarios that represent modern military units, despite PzC2 units being World War II units. These WW2 units roughly correspond to the military units currently in use by the countries of the Pamavel and their external counterparts.

The following is not a manual on how to use the PzC2 Scenario Editor, but a checklist of what to do when working on a scenario as a member of Pamavel Command.


Click Edit, then Scenario Params.

Then draw the map (tip: press and hold shift then left-click to bucket-fill terrain). Then go to the Place Special Hexes tab and place the necessary hexes (Victory Hexes, Deploy Hexes, the Flags, etc).
Then go to the Configure Hexes tab.

Select hexes (you can select several hexes and apply options for all selected hexes at once) and under "Prestige per turn", define how much prestige selected flags grant their owner. Note: I think you can only set "prestige per turn" for Hex in which you have placed flags. You can also name cities, rivers and such by changing the "Name" parameter of a hex.

Then go to the Objectives tab.

If the objective should be to capture all victory hexes, you can fill it like on the screenshot above. Don't forget to do it for all sides. (Add objectives by clicking the "Add" button near the bottom left of the screen).

Then go to the Briefing tab.

It's rather straightforward. Having a briefing is optional, but they are very fast to do. They should end with a "Pause" instruction, otherwise the last bit of text will not show.
To make arrows, click on the "Add" button and select "Add arrow marker". Then click in the "Hexes" field, and then click, directly on the map, the hexes you want the arrow to span, one after the other. The arrow will go on the direction of the order of your clicks (i.e. the last hex clicked will be the tip of the arrow). As for the color, it's RGB + Alpha. Alpha should be 255 for arrows, to make them perfectly opaque and visible. To make a green arrow: R: 0, G: 255, B: 0, A: 255.


Airplanes MUST be placed either on an airport/carrier hex OR immediately around an airport/carrier hex. Otherwise the game may crash.

In order for each side to have enough prestige to deploy something else than infantry and light recons, make sure that each hex grants enough prestige per turn. 50 prestige per hex might be a good amount only if there is enough prestige-granting hexes to make an income of 200 or some similar amount.

Press and hold shift then left-click to bucket-fill terrain.

Every unit can be configured in details (including to which army and player it belongs) with the "Configure Units" tab (it's in the dropdown list with the Place Special Hexes, Objectives, etc tabs). So for example, it's possible to have pre-deployed Panzer IV tanks even when playing as the US.