Campaign 1 - North Vervalia
CAP 1 (Campaign 1) is the current campaign in which most of the Effervanian, Avranches, Travilan and Alanian forces are presently engaged. It is unfolding mainly in the North of the Vervalian continent.
It's the first AW-related campaign to be recorded in the USI wiki.
- 1.1 Battle of Azar
- 1.2 Battle of Inlia
- 1.3 Battle of Nevilis Harbor
- 1.4 Battle of the Nwenwe coast
- 1.5 Battle of Siflez
- 1.6 Battle of the Cove Sea Shore
- 1.7 Battle of South Azar
- 1.8 Battle of the Tongo Sea
- 1.9 Battle of North Azar
- 1.10 Battle of the Cove Sea
- 1.11 Battle of Cap Cal
- 1.12 Battle of Nancimaux
- 1.13 Battle of Pabaches
Sometimes around January-February of 2016, the Alanian army landed its forces on the continent for the first time. Allied with Travil, Alania's main goal was to quickly overwhelm the Effervanian and the Avranches forces and take their territories. In response to this threat, Effervania and Avranches quickly set up an alliance, for the very first time in their history.
After a two-months campaign, Alanian and Travilan forces were finally defeated and repelled back into their respective homelands, and the Effervania/Avranches alliance was disbanded.
Battle of Azar (2016-02 - early February)
game: AWDR
belligerents: Effervania (red - O'Brien), Avranches (blue - Gage), Travil (yellow - Sigismundo), Alania (black - Larissa)
player: Alania
alliances: Effervania and Avranches against Travil and Alania
fog of war: yes
result: victory for Alania and Travil
A fierce battle that lasted several months took place in the Azar mountains in the North of Vervalia. Every nation involved in the conflict fought in that battle. Effervanian and Avranches forces were defeated, allowing Alania and Travil to take position there and advance their troops West (Alania) and North (Travil).
Battle of Inlia (2016-02 - mid-February)
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Battle of Inlia: Avranches jet fighters take off to intercept Alanian bombers |
game: AWDR
belligerents: Avranches (blue - Gage), Alania (black - Larissa)
player: Avranches
fog of war: yes
result: victory for Alania
After the battle in the mountains, Alania sent its forces West, willing to reach the Avranches capital before the end of March (Alanians eventually reached it March 4th). West of the mountains lies the rather vast Inlia forest. Alania used its bomber squadrons to quickly dispose of the Avranches forces guarding the forest, then proceeded South-West. Avranches fighters and dusters weren't enough to repel the many bombers Alania had at its disposal.
Battle of Nevilis Harbor (2016-02 - end of February)
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Battle of Nevilis Harbor: Effervanian and Travilan cruisers exchanging fire (Travilan cruiser is exploding) |
game: AWDR
belligerents: Effervania (red - O'Brien), Travil (yellow - Sigismundo)
player: Avranches
fog of war: no
result: Effervanian victory
While the Alanians were crushing the Avranches in the forest of Inlia, Effervania set up defensive positions North of the Azar mountains, where they had been defeated. Several dozens of kilometers North of the mountains lies an important Effervanian naval and air base, Nevilis Harbor, which Effervania wanted to use to counter the Travilan advance. The battle itself unfolded rather quickly, with Travil sending its troops en masse and with little organization. Effervanian forces, on the other hand, started the battle with several carriers and some seaplanes, and next to no ground forces, but managed to keep the Travilans at bay long enough to have the time to deploy a powerful ground division. The situation then locked itself for several turns (it happens sometimes), then Effervania took the initiative and sent its forces to the offensive. Meanwhile, Effervanian naval forces managed to sink most Travilese naval units, including an aircraft carrier and several cruisers and submarines. Travil ground forces were quickly repelled to the forests to the South, and couldn't protect their HQ for very long. Thus the battle ended with Effervania capturing Travil's HQ.
The outcome of this battle could prove decisive for the next part of the war. With Avranches hanging by only a thin thread, Effervania might be the only hope for the Effervania-Avranches alliance.
Battle of the Nwenwe coast (2016-03 - early March)
game: AWDS
belligerents: Effervania (red - Drake), Avranches (blue - Jess), Alania (green - Kanbei, to simulate the fact that the Alanian troops are stronger because of better morale. Also, since the Alanian island is actually very far ahead, it only makes sense that their troops are more expensive to deploy; thus in that regard, Kanbei seems like the ideal choice)
player: Avranches
alliances: Effervania and Avranches against Alania
fog of war: no
result: Alanian victory
After having been wiped out in the Inlia forest by the Alanians, the Avranches only choice is to retreat to their last line of defense just North-East of their capital. Effervania, victorious at Nevilis Harbor, has been able to send a fleet of three battleships, two destroyers, four bombers and three fighters to help their Avranches allies.
However, the pre-deployed Alanian ground forces were simply too many and couldn't be managed by Avranches. A victory for Avranches now seems impossible. If any hope is to be had, it is in an Effervanian counter-offensive toward the South, sprang for Nevilis Harbor, aiming to recapture the area (and the Avranches capital) from Alanian hands.
To this date (2016-03-03), Alanian forces are closing in on the Avranches capital.
Update (2016-03-04): The Avranches capital is now in the hands of the Alanians. Avranches forces retreat South-West. In the East, Effervania is beaten by Travil at the battle of Siflez (see RFF below).
Battle of Siflez (2016-03-04)
game: AWDS
belligerents: Effervania (red - Rachel), Travil (yellow - Eagle)
player: Effervania
alliances: Alania and Travil against Effervania
fog of war: no
result: Travilan victory
A total fiasco for Effervania. While Alanian troops were capturing Avranches capital in the West, Effervania split its forces in two main army groups: the first one, AG1, was to reconquer the East of Azar (starting with the Siflez province), while the other, AG2, was to push back South-West and try to save the Avranches forces retreating from Alania, following their defeat at the Battle of the Nwenwe Coast.
However, the grip Travil had on the Siflez province was already too tight when Effervanian forces arrived, making the capture of the area impossible. The battle was fierce and desperate, lasted ~25 days, and unfolded as follows:
There's a sea channel splitting the Siflez area in two. Most bridges have been destroyed, meaning that landing crafts or T-Copters were now necessary to cross the sea. Effervania thought it would be safe to set up its HQ on the West bank, because it would take time for Travil to land a significant force on the West bank anyway.
But when the battle began, Travil already had several tank divisions on the West bank: four or five light tank groups, three or four medium tanks, and one megatank. In the following days, they landed two additional megatanks, and a number of lighter units, mainly infantry, bazooka vets and light tank groups.
Needless to say, Effervania was quickly overwhelmed by these troops. However, Ef. troops managed to hold their positions for a certain number of turns, by blocking the southern mountain pass with everything they could find, mainly infantry units. Then Effervania deployed a first megatank. The plan was to deploy and send a good number of recons against the enemy megatanks to have them spit all their ammunitions, so Effervanians could then counter-attack safely with their own megatank. However things did not proceed quite as expected, as Travil, being the only faction here to have an airport, began deploying bombers and battle copters. Plus, unlike what could have been expected, Travil began building lots of landing barges, and set up an effective logistical line, allowing troops and supply to cross the channel from the East bank (theirs), to the West bank.
At first, it seemed Effervanian forces were going to actually regain the advantage. The Travilan megatanks were short on fuel, and no APC was shipped with them. The first megatank run out of fuel just outside the Effervanian HQ; the other two ran out of ammo and, crippled by various Effervanian units, began retreating. A Travilan APC made its way there but by an amazing stroke of incompetence, it ran out of fuel itself, too.
However, fate would not allow Effervanians to escape. Overwhelmed by air units, and infantry landing directly near their HQ perimeter, Effervanian units were soon reduced to an insignificant number, and could only watch as Travilan infantry battalions captured their HQ in three or four turns.
Thus, the battle ended. Effervania is once again pushed back East, back in the Azar Mountains. Army Group 1 was initially to cut the Alanian supply lines, running South-East of Siflez. However, AG1 must now fight back Travil before anything else.
Update (2016-03-06): Effervania suffers another defeat on the shore of the Cove Sea. The Effervanian first Army Group (AG1) is now completely pushed back into the South of the Azar mountains. See RFF below.
Battle of the Cove Sea Shore (2016-03-05)
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Battle of the Cove Sea Shore: Effervanian troops in the fog of war |
game: AWDR
belligerents: Effervania (red - Ed), Travil (yellow - Sigismundo), Alania (black - Larissa)
player: Effervania
fog of war: yes
result: victory for Travil and Alania
After being defeated in Siflez, Effervania was pushed back south-west, and established a new HQ near the Cove Sea in hope of finally stopping the ever-advancing Travilan troops. However, things did not play in Effervania's favor, and after a not-so-long battle, Effervania was forced to retreat back West, right into the Southern part of the Azar region -- just South of where the first Battle of Azar was fought.
But first things first. The battle of the Cove Sea Shore unfolded as follows: Effervania had two bases in the N-W corner of the map. Travilan forces already pre-deployed (some medium tanks and light tanks) were quickly routed by Effervania. South of the map, Alania had gather a small force (it was actually a part of Alania's main force rear-guard, the main force being currently engaging the retreating Avranches forces far to the South-West), but despite having some seaports, Alania was separated from the North by an arm of the Cove Sea.
As could be expected, Effervania could not repel the overwhelming number of troops sent at her by Travil and Alania, and had to retreat some kilometers West -- to the Azar mountains.
Situation (2016-03-06): Alania is advancing S-W along the coast, chasing what remains of the Avranches army. Effervania is fighting Travil in the East, but is being pushed back West so much that its forces are now back in the Azar mountains; which means, Effervania Army Group 1 will now have to fight both the Travilan main force to the East, and the rear guard of the Alanian main force to the South-West. However, Effervania second Army Group, AG2, which was initially meant to fight the Alanians to the West, has changed its goal and is now dashing South into the Azar mountains to help AG1. AG2 will thus have to fight Alanian and Travilan forces there, since Alania and Travil still hold the area, even if their main forces are currently elsewhere. Splitting its forces in 2 was essentially a mistake, but if the two Army Groups can be reunited, Effervania will have a better chance at fighting back the Travilan forces.
In the meantime, Avranches forces must do what they can to slow down the Alanian army, still advancing South-West.
Battle of South Azar (2016-03-07)
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South Azar: list of all units used by Effervania during the battle |
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South Azar: list of all Effervanian units lost in the battle. |
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South Azar: Photograph taken near the end of the battle. Effervanian infantry is closing in on the Alanian HQ, under artillery fire from Alanian positions |
game: AWDR
belligerents: Effervania (red - Ed), Travil (yellow - Sigismundo), Alania (black - Larissa)
player: Effervania
fog of war: yes
alliances: Alania and Travil against Effervania
weather: rain (AWDR: vision=1 for all units)
result: Effervanian victory
Now "trapped" in South East Azar, Effervania's first Army Group cannot afford to be defeated once more: East, the Travilan forces are still chasing it; and South-West, the Alanian rear-guard is ready to cut short its retreat. Fortunately for Effervania, rain started to fall as the battle began. Due to poor visibility, it was easier for the Effervanians to hold their positions. After holding the Travilans at bay for long enough, they were able to deploy a large enough ground force to defeat Travil. Travil had two bases in the East of the map; Effervania first managed to block them both with low-HP tanks, but because the airport just North of the base was still in Travilan hands, Travilan b-copters were able to deploy and liberate the two bases. Travil then deployed two megatanks and several AA-vehicles, but the Effervanians, having brought defensive canons in the meantime, could quickly get rid of them and capture the bases and the airport for good.
Presently, the area has been cleared of Travilan forces, and Effervania can move most of its troops South-West to finish off the small Alanian force there.
After that, the likely courses of action for Effervanian AG1 will be to either move North to meet with AG2 and liberate most the Azar mountains from Alanian-Travilan hands, or to dash South-East to take the Cove Sea and do what was initially planned, that is to say to impede Alanians supply lines South of the Cove Sea.
Update (2016-03-11): The battle of South Azar is finally over, and Effervania savors its first victory since Nevilis Harbor. Now the forces of the first Effervanian Army Group, AG1, are consisting of
2 bazooka units (heavy infantry),
2 biker units,
6 tank units,
2 megatanks,
1 AA unit,
1 artillery unit,
2 rocket launcher units,
1 bomber,
1 flare unit,
and 2 APCs.
It is with this meager force that Effervania must either make South to try and cut the Alanian supply lines as fast as possible to relieve Avranches forces to the South-West, or go North and meet with AG2, which is already engaging Travilan forces in North Azar. Splitting AG1 is not an option at this point, as it will already be a difficult task to reach its objectives, whatever they will be, in its current state.
Meanwhile, far to the SW of Azar....
Battle of the Tongo Sea (2016-03-11 to 2016-03-26)
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Battle of the Tongo Sea: both fleets each holding one side of the bridge (blue: Avranches, green: Alania) |
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Battle of the Tongo Sea: Avranches forces advancing toward Alanian HQ in the North-East (blue: Avranches, green: Alania) |
game: AWDS (PC)
belligerents: Avranches (blue - Colin), Alania (Green - Kanbei)
player: Avranches
fog of war: no
result: victory for Avranches
Finally, what remains of the Avranches forces has managed to slow down the Alanian advance. There's a bridge on the Tongo Sea, with a seaport at the southern end of it. Avranches used this port to deploy a submarine, making impossible for Alanian troops to take the bridge. Since the Alanians didn't want to make a detour across the mountains East of the Tongo Sea (which would have been possible), they instead gather their army near the bridge.
However, the Avranches First Fleet, still pretty much intact at this point (unlike the other fleets), arrived with one battleship, one carrier, three destroyer and two submarines, and a navlog (black boat), to help shell the Alanians on the bridge and beyond. Seeing this fleet advancing towards them and without enough fund for air cover or naval reinforcement, the Alanians were forced to withdraw, allowing the Avranches army to advance and take the whole bridge.
During this time, a small Avranches battalion managed to capture the virtually undefended seaport to the far East of the Tongo Sea, making impossible for Alania to call reinforcement by sea, and thus assuring total naval superiority for Avranches.
Could the tables be finally turning?
Update (2016-03-22): After a somewhat messy advance toward the Alanian HQ, Avranches finally managed to capture it. A small Alanian force actually recaptured the seaport in the East in the meantime, but was quickly destroyed by Avranches air forces.
Battle of North Azar (2016-03-18)
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Battle of North Azar: Travilan troops attempt to slow down Effervanian advance from the North |
game: AWDR
belligerents: Effervania (red - Obrien), Travil (yellow - Sigismundo)
player: Effervania
fog of war: yes
result: Effervanian victory
Effervanian second army group, AG2, is making its way South through the Travilan-held Azar range. After a rather short battle, Effervanian forces, fighting an almost exactly equal Travilan force, managed to gain the upper hand and defeated the Travil forces in Azar.
The battle unfolded as follows: first, Travilan forces, which could deploy faster because of the road in the bottom half of the map, arrived at the center of the map very quickly. However, clever play from Effervanian part allowed Effervanians to repel slowly but surely the Travilans, and eventually simply took their HQ. Not much more to be said there, in truth.
Now AG2> will soon be able to meet AG1 near the Cove Sea, where the next decisive battle is to be fought. However, AG2 probably won't make it before the battle actually begins.
Battle of the Cove Sea (2016-03-19)
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Battle of the Cove Sea: Effervanian battleship firing his main guns on a distant Travilan cruiser |
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Battle of the Cove Sea: Travilan barges landing infantry on the South shoreline |
game: AWDR
belligerents: Effervania (red - Trak), Travil (yellow - Sigismundo), Alania (Black - Zadia)
player: Effervania
fog of war: no
alliances: Alania and Travil against Effervania
result: Effervanian victory
After their victory in South Azar, Effervanian forces from AG1 are back near the Cove Sea, and actually hold a few seaports there. Travil and Alanian forces are waiting for them, ready to repel them again in the Azar mountains. AG2, depsite having won in North Azar just days ago, is still not present and can not help AG1 for the moment.
Effervania has a battleship, two cruisers and four frigates; Travil forces have a battleship, two cruisers, two frigates and a submarine; Alanian forces just have a carrier. Effervania and Travil are both at one end of the Cove Sea, while Alania has a small force on the south shoreline, where most cities/facilities on this map are.
Update (2016-03-24): Effervania has a rather solid foothold on the south shore, and fierce combat is currently unfolding for the control of the northern cities and the seaport. Some properties in this area have already changed owner several times. Alania has deployed several big units (megatank, bomber, fighter), but Effervania remains confident, even with having to face Alania and Travil on two fronts (a ground one and a naval one).
Travil has lost several powerful naval units, including its battleship (the flagship of its fleet) due to Effervanian submarines. Alanian also lost a carrier due to fuel shortage, along with all seaplanes (interceptors) produced by said carrier.
Update (2016-03-25): Effervanian troops are slowly making progress, advancing East, but Alanian and Travilan forces are still powerful. A seaport and all cities in the center of the South shoreline has been taken by Effervania, but Alania and Travil have so much ships (mainly cruisers and frigates) and copters that deploying a battleship or even a cruiser from that seaport would be stupid. A cruiser was actually deployed because of Travilan copters approaching from the sea, and was lost three or four turns after.
Travilan and Alanian cruisers are still present near the Effervanian HQ, but should be disposed of eventually.
Currently, noone has battleship or carrier. Effervania has lost one or two battleships, and Travil/Alania two battleships. As for carriers, Travil/Alania deployed or two or three, all lost to Effervanian submarines.
Update (2016-03-30): Alania suffers an important defeat south of the Cove Sea, as Effervania retakes everything there!!! Now only Travil stands in Effervania's way, which must recapture the East of the Cove Sea (where Travil is) by either destroying all Travilan forces there with a combination of carpet bombing and battleship shelling, or simply land there and take everything.
Effervania is now in possession of 3 battleships and one carrier, and many submarines, and Travil lost many of its flagships, especially battleships. Navigation in the Cove Sea is not safe yet for either side. Both Effervania and Travil have several cruisers in addition to their main battle lines of battleships, but Effervania still have the upperhand when it comes to submarines.
Effervania is now regrouping its ground forces near the former Alanian HQ, in prevision of a possible landing on the East shore of the Cove Sea, to take the Travilan HQ.
Update (2016-03-30): Effervania is victorious! After a hardfought naval, air and ground battle, Effervanian troops were finally able to reclaim the Cove Sea. The last action was the landing of Effervanian troops near the Travilan HQ, with important air support from many bombers, soon joined by two Battleships and one carrier carrying two Seaplane squadrons.
Effervania has won a decisive victory in the Cove Sea and on its shores, against the forces of Alania and Travil. Most of the Travilan fleet now rests at the bottom of the sea, and Alanian forces have been repelled even further South-East.
Now Effervania, with its two main Army Groups having finally joined, will be able to proceed South-East as planned as one powerful force, with aim to destroy the Alanian supply lines. If their APCs are rendered inoperable, Alanians will soon be forced to retreat from the Avranches theatre, meaning Avranches forces will also be made available and will be able to join Effervanian troops on the East of Vervalia.
Battle of Cap Cal (2016-04-07)
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Battle of Cap Cal: Red-Effervania, Blue-Avranches, Green-Alania |
game: AWDS
belligerents: Effervania (red - Andy), Avranches (Blue - Jess), Alania (Green - Eagle)
player: Effervania, Avranches
fog of war: no
alliances: Effervania and Avranches against Alania
result: TBD
Avranches continues its advance North and now aims to reclaim Cap Cal, the last real obstacle between Avranches forces and Avranches capital, as Alania has a rather powerful division there.
Avranches starts with its First Fleet, consisting of two battleships, two destroyers and a carrier, but no submarines. A lost Effervanian megatank also joined forces with Avranches -- that's the only Effervanian unit here. Alania has finally deployed its own fleet: 2 submarines, 1 battleship, 1 carrier, and 2 destroyers for escort. Ground forces are basically equal, although Alania has a slight advantage.
Two islands lie off Cap Cal with an airport on each one.
If Avranches wins this battle, Alania will be forced to retreat back to Inlia forest.
Battle of Nancimaux (2016-04-07 to 2016-04-12)
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Battle of Nancimaux: --- |
game: AWDR
belligerents: Effervania (red - O'Brien), Alania (Black - Larissa)
player: Effervania
fog of war: yes
alliances: none
result: Effervanian victory
After its victory in the Cove Sea, Effervania was finally in position to throw a powerful blow to one of the Alanian main supply lines in the North-East Vervalia, near the city of Nancimaux. The battle went rather smoothly for Effervania, which had dedicated only limited funds to this particular skirmish since most of the Alanian units were APCs. Indeed the main goal of this mission was the destruction of all Alanian APCs in the area.
However Alania had a tank batalion in the region. In the first half of the battle, both forces were basically equal in strength and number, but Effervanian lines were dangerously thin while Alanian units were grouped together. However, air superiority allowed Effervania to crush without too much trouble the Alanian batalion.
Battle of Pabaches (2016-04-13)
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Battle of Pabaches: --- |
game: AWDR
belligerents: Effervania (red - Trak), Travil (Yellow - Sigismundo), Alania (Black - Stolos)
player: Effervania
fog of war: no
alliances: Travil and Alania against Effervania
result: TBD
Effervania now starts to follow the East Vevalian coast, and aims to push back Alania and Travil further South. The mountain range near Pabaches is currently the site of a rather easy fight for Effervania, as Alanian and Travilan forces in the area are undernumbered and underfunded. With air and naval superiority, victory seems inevitable for Effervania at this point.
Next step for the Effervania-Avranches alliance will be to crush the main Alanian Army Group, to "sandwhich" it between the Alanian Army in the West and the Effervanian Army in the East. Travil is allocating less and less ressources to the fray, and it seems likely that they will soon withdraw from the war, as their territory is almost in range of the Effervanian units.
Update (2016-04-26): The frontlines are currently stagnating, almost as if freezed. All armies are standing by for now.
Update (2016-04): Travil finally withdrew from the fray as Effervanian and Avranches units were dangerously closing in on their territories. Unable to keep the war going any longer without support from Travil, Alania, having sustained heavy losses, organized a fast and effective retreat and also withdrew the whole of its forces from the continent. Effervania and Avranches agreed to not pursue under the condition that Alania gave up all their continental bases and outposts and production facilities, which they did.
Effervania and Avranches didn't try to invade and occupy Travil, which may have been possible, and instead disbanded their victorious alliance and brought their troops home to reorganize their armies.