Afrikan KurufabaU
Afrika Kurufaba | |
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Afrika Kurufaba flag | |
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Old flag of the Union of the Municipalities of Africa | |
Information | Capital | Bria |
Languages | Swahili, French | Religion | ???? | Political structure | Federal government | Legislature | Council of Africa | Population | Around 200 millions | Area | African continent | Currency | ???? |
WARNING: This page is deprecated. Please refer to the official chronology for a more up-to-date version
The Union of Municipalities of Africa (French: Union des Municipalités d'Afrique), often also called African Union, African Unity, or simply Africa, is a confederation of semi-sovereign territories encompassing all of the African continent.
Afrikan Kurufaba
The Afrikan Kurufaba was officially created in the year ~75, but it's just the newer 'version' of the original African Unity.
Prior organizations
After the world change, most African people re-established old cities which quickly became ruling centers for larger city-states, and then most city-states found each other and formed even larger regions, until two of the larger ones (one near USIRL Mali and the other in USIRL South-Sudan) signed the West-East Pact in ~25. From there all the other regions joined the WEP and Africa was completely united in ~30. In ~49 the all-encompassing African Unity (l'Unité Africaine) was formed. Bria was chosen to be its capital city because it was felt it was the most geographically central city of Africa.
The official constitution of the African Unity was still in the writing stage, and it was quickly renamed African Union (l'Union Africaine) in ~50 after the constitution has been completed; in ~55 it was renamed again Union of the Cities of Africa (l'Union des Cités d'Afrique).
Finally, in ~75, after a major constitutional change (which gave more power to the larger Council of Africa and less to the city-states), it was once again renamed Afrikan Kurufaba, the name still in use today, though for political and ideological reasons the names African Union and African Unity are still frequently employed, especially in Europe (Mycelia).
Political structure
General system
The UMA is a State entity federating all the Regions and Municipalities (old City-States) of Africa. The continent is divided into several major regions for administrative reasons, but the core subdivision is the Municipality. The working government, the Council of Africa, takes the decisions that affect the continent as a whole, while the Municipalities take most decisions that affect them on a daily basis.
Regions and Municipalities
After the constitutional change of ~75, all the former Cities became Municipalities and all adopted the same local political/government structure. Each Municipality has its own laws (although the continent is mostly unified in that regard), but it can change them using its State-provided local political structure.
The Regions are a utilitary strat between the larger UMA (the Council) and the Municipalities; its main purpose is to allow Municipalities to regroup under one Region's banner in order to pressurize the Council if ever needed. However the obvious flaw in that structure is that, while making it easier for Municipalities to regroup against the Council, a fix number of Municipalities can only easily regroup if they are in the same Region. If the Council takes a decision that angers several Municipalities across two Regions, it will be harder (or even impossible) for them to regroup.
Despite that the continent is very stable and prosperous, far more than West-European countries, UK and Mycelia.
Diplomatic policy
Although generally peaceful, Africa has proven rather distrustful towards other countries, especially after the small European conflict between the UK and Mycelia, and even more after the war against the GEACPS.
However for Africa, internal diplomacy is more important than foreign affairs, as the continent is made of dozens of city-states.
Foreign relations
Africa has decent relations with Mycelia, which heavily relies on Africa for both military support and trade. However, relations with the UK have been severely weakened after the UK tried to invade Mycelia.
Relations with the GEAPS were heavily distrustful when Africa and the GEAPS first met, and have been completely ruined afterwards; but with the complete change of government and political structure of Asia after that, relations at a political level became friendlier. African population understandably still holds heavy ressentment against Imperial Japan though.
From ~70, one of the main music genre listened by African is A-Pop, mainly in West Africa. Since the public doesn't have access to computer technology, most musician tries to tweak sounds by working directly on the soundfilms, resulting in a very distinctive sound. A-Pop is widely listened to in Mycelia, and a bit in the UK.