Campaign: USITEMP2 Victory Gram Republic
Campaign: USITEMP2 Victory Gram Republic |
Meta informations
This campaign takes place in USITEMP2, which was basically created around this campaign and doesn't contain much outside of it. In USITEMP2, a first campaign, fought in Airships: Conquer the Skies, featured the Tibian Empire leading a campaign against a greater country (in size) called ??? (was never given a clear name). In the process, Tibian troops and airships passed through many other countries, often peacefully (military access agreements).
However, the campaign got stale after a while. In the meantime the name Victory Gram Republic was used for other stuff in Airships: Conquer the Skies, and now everything is blurry because I can't remember if Victory Gram Republic belongs to USITEMP2 or an hypothetical USITEMP3 (I called a collage of all Arma terrains "usitemp3 terrains" which would suggest VGR was to be used in a different USI entirely, at some point).
For now, since the geopolitical situation is unclear, and since I don't want to create too many USIs, let's say it takes place in USITEMP2, away from the "main" action (Tibia vs the world basically).
Update 2019-01-20: 2 new excellent mods have just been discovered, Sab Secret Weapons, which adds lots of WW2 planes and boats, and There is only war, an ambitious and well put-together W40K mod. These will be integrated somehow in the campaign, in the Altis map at least.
General informations
This campaign is meant to feature several Arma terrains, but mainly focus (for now at least) on Arma 3's Altis map. It makes use of our 3 best Arma mods, IFA3, TIOW and Zombies and Demons, I hate Zombie stuff in general but in Arma it's surprisingly efficient and often leads to some interesting situations.
Warring powers and factions include:
Name |
Ingame faction(s) |
Description |
Victory Gram Republic (VGR) |
IFA3 WW2 USA, Sab Secret Weapons USA |
Relatively small nation currently attempting to expand its influence across the islands. Lacks Nata's level of tech, but makes up for it with good national morale and good COs. |
Nata (for now, because close to Nato) |
Vanilla Arma NATO, IFA3 WW2 Germany |
A regional power, better armed than VGR, but finding itself strategically overstretched. On Altis, sandwiched by VGR (to the East) and Vixenford (to the West). |
Csar |
Vanilla Arma CSAT |
A distant power with interest in the region. As well-equipped as Nata but less overstretched and more ruthless, but also more distant, so not often encountered despite very good logistics. |
Zombies, I Guess (ZIG for now) |
ZaD mod faction |
Don't know where they come from, but they make awesome monsters. Found on a few islands, recently appeared in Western Altis, and a huge thorn in the side of Nata. |
Vixenford |
W40K Imperium |
A mysterious enemy that has taken hold of N-W Altis. Better equipped than Nata and Csar. |
Mass Effect Opposition mod |
Scary alien-looking monsters. Not yet integrated to the campaign. UPDATE: I unsubscribed from this mod so they are not expected to show up anytime soon. |
Operation Trebuchet |
Operation Trebuchet |
Has not yet been integrated to the campaign. |
Has not yet been integrated to the campaign. |
Recent events
2019-04-23: NATA artillery attack on Rodopoli |
- if we need a map of Altis, here's one
- 2020-11-17: VGR push towards main NATA airport fails : VGR forces mounted a surprisingly bold operation to attack the main NATA airport. Nata being busy in the hills to the North East, the VGR figured it could dispatch 4 Sherman tanks and a rifle squad and inflict massive damage to NATA air assets stationed at the airport. But even before VGR forces could reach the airport, there were spotted and attacked in the outskirts of Anthrakia. VGR tanks managed to get inside the towns, but all four were blown up. The town was still cleared but the tank crews had to retreat, abandoning the idea to attack the airport. This defeat is sure to be a serious blow to VGR armored assets in this sector, but on the other hand Anthrakia has been emptied of NATA infantry, meaning NATA will have to spend valuable resources to re-garrison the city.
- 2020-07-19: NATA's efforts to push into the hills continue : Recent events include a Csar incursion in Abderra, rapidly repeled by NATA; an airborne mechanized assault by NATA to capture the airbase North of Abderra, a costly success; a counter-attack by Vixenford aimed at Galati, stopped by mines placed by NATA, taking inspiration from their recent engagement against the VGR; and a general NATA offensive to push towards the North-West of the airbase, still in progress.
- 2020-07-05: VGR forces places mines near Altis Intl Airport : a special VGR commando unit got close to the airport, placed some AT mines, shot down a NATA jet fighter (that was in the process of taking off) with one of the recently stolen rocket launchers, then retreated; their NATA pursuers got stuck in the mines.
- 2020-06-15: Striking from their newly acquired base North of Naftia bay, VGR forces captures anti-tank rocket launchers from unsuspecting NATA garison : a counter-attack follows, but NATA forces get destroy in the narrow stretch of land North of the peninsula, between the Melanera and Zaros bays.
- 2020-06-05: VGR forces take the Western peninsula (South of Altis) : NATA too busy against Vixenford to do anything about it.
- 2020-03-25: NATA launches massive offensive towards Galati : NATA high command sent out some older equipment to NATA forces holding their positions on Altis, plus some additional numbers. With their forces partly renewed, and incredibly effective air support thanks to the Macer missiles, NATA felt confident they could start retaking the hills. To this end, a large-scale offensive was launched today, aiming to capture Galati, the village at the entrance of the hills. The battle was mainly fought in the plains between the hills and Athira, and involved air forces, tanks and infantry on both sides. NATA secured victory.
- 2020-03-23: NATA sends team by night into hills to assassinate Vixenford commander : In preparation for a bigger attack, NATA has infiltrated a team of four soldiers in the hills (the part of the island occupied by Vixenford) in order to take out one of the top commanders. The mission failed miserably with all soldiers killed, and Vixenford alerted.
- 2020-03-01: Vixenford attempts to capture hill near airport : After only a few days of calm, Vixenford tries to regain momentum by capturing a strategic hill near the NATA-held airport. However the fight turns bloody for both side.
- 2020-02-26: Vixenford counter-counterattacks : Vixenford attacks Athira again, this time with more determination. The VGR, not involved in the fight, sends in a small recon team to bring back info.
- 2020-02-24: NATA strikes back : Vixenford attacks Athira, one of NATA's most strategically important cities. NATA counterattacks by sending reinforcements from the nearby town of Gravia.
- 2019-05-08: Vixenford deploys 2 so-called "megamechs" : Thanks to two gigantic mechs, Vixenford advances along the Western coastline of Altis.
- 2019-04-23: NATA artillery attack on Rodopoli : unnoticed from VGR forces, NATA managed to set up an artillery position and shell Rodopoli. VGR sends two of their brand new Spitfire piston fighters to silence the guns; but the Spitfires are met with NATA's cheap but deadly AA quad guns, and are promptly shot down. The shelling of Rodopoli stops after a short time, but as soon as NATA's artillery position will be resupplied, it will restart; meaning VGR must now keep their eyes open for any supply convoy sent to resupply the guns.
- 2019-03-15: VGR steals a Vixenford tank : a small VGR team glides into enemy territory at night, steals a Lemann Russ tank and brings it back to their lines.
- 2019-02-27: NATA's counterattack : In an attempt to break Vixenford's momentum and to set a counterattack, NATA (player) deploys its secret weapon, the super heavy tank.
- 2019-02-10: NATA vs Vixenford : NATA (player) attempts to keep its position North of Altis. But Vixenford troops are too many and their aircraft make short work of NATA troops on the ground.
- 2019-02-03: VGR biplanes intercepts Natan T-copters : VGR (player) manages to shot down two Natan T-copters north of Atlis before they can deliver reinforcements on the island.
- 2019-01-26: Endless tests : Lots of testing (meta: trying to get level bombers like b17 to actually drop bombs when controlled by AI, but to no avail)
- 2019-01-12: Skirmish at Kalithea : VGR (player) and Nata both converge to Kalithea. Nata's airplanes managed to dispose of VGR forces; VGR dispatch its own airplanes. Aerial skirmish ensues. VGR loses on the ground but wins in the air.
- 2019-01-06: Nata (player) repels ZIG at Negades : ZIGs were repelled by Natan forces stationed in Negades. Barricades made of cars were used to great effects. ZIGs were also attracted to Natan soldiers on the roof of some houses which helped tremendously.
- 2019-01-06 (night): VGR (player) fails to sabotage Natan tanks (Slammers) in Telos : A mission to quietly infiltrate Telos (city near current frontlines) goes ill. Charges are set and detonated but apparently Slammer tanks are impervious to such devices. The only thing known to stop them is bombs from Thunderbolts.
- 2018-05-13: VGR (player) takes airport N-E of Altis : the airport N-E of Altis slips from the hands of Nata into the hands of VGR. VGR now in control of all N-E Altis. As a side note this was an awesome mission with interesting tactical situations.
- date: event name : event description